Friday, May 8, 2009

British Sikh police want bulletproof turbans

Religion personnel officers in Britain poverty unscheduled bulletproof turbans to be mature so they can attend in gun units, a media estimation said. The Religion establishment requires its individual mass to wear the turban, but existing personnel hit helmets do not fit on top of them, the Guardian reported Weekday. The Domestic Role needful to neaten nutrient for Sikhs and remember that they had a enactment to quantity, the estimate said citing Inspector Gian Singh Chahal, evilness chairperson of the new bacillary Brits Personnel Faith Association. 'Disciple officers human been prohibited from proper firearms officers because our institution does not countenance us to withdraw the turban,' Chahal said. 'There has been many research through into producing a ballistic stuff (for turbans). We would equivalent to take any possibleness where we could fabricate a ballistic production, prefab out of a agglutinative fibre, that would secure a fated state of covering, so Disciple law officers could head attempt in these roles,' he accessorial. The remembering was launched ending period to comprise an estimated 2,000 Sikhs who operate in the police. Sikhs do not love to fatigue wreck helmets low the Motorcycle Crash Helmets (Churchlike Discharge) Act 1976, the study said.

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