Tuesday, May 5, 2009

World's youngest father

Teen pregnancy is one of the problems that seems to be on the rise.Girls in the US and Europe are getting pregnant very early in their life.That is as early as 15-17.For quite some time the teen pregnancy was on the decline,but suddenly it seems to be on the rise lately ,specially in Europe which is second only to US. But to make all things worse , there is a news from eastbourne,east Sussex,England.The news that we get from there is very shocking,that is a boy aged just 13 yrs has become father to a child.While the mother to the child is 15 yrs of age.Now the children of age 13 and 15, have a child for their own.Both are in their high school.But the most worrying fact is that how well they can look after the new born baby.The father of the new born baby may be 13 yrs of age but in appearance he looks even younger,actually looks like a 8year old only.One can only pray for the well being of the child.Even though this is shocking news for us,we must understand the fact that we have a serious problem ahead,in the name of teen pregnancies,which should be controlled.

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