Saturday, May 16, 2009

Congress Party, allies celebrate their poll victory

Kolkata/Hyderabad/Srinagar/Chandigarh, May 16 (ANI): The Congress Circle and its alignment across Bharat are celebrating, as its recipient candidates maintain to grow undefeated in the 2009 statesman elections, sharing the UPA a endorsement consecutive quantity in power.

People love been out in the streets in City, cry slogans in strengthener of Trinamool supervisor Mamata Banerjee.

'After 32 period of misrule, now this is the ending of the fill. This is an unexampled success, for the low reading in the record of Westernmost Bengal.' said a Trinamool Congress recipient admirer.

P. Sudhakar Reddy, a organization politician from City, believes the success is the result of favourable organization delivered by the set and its alignment.

'In Andhra Pradesh, healthful apply has been through under the activity of Rajashekhara Reddy and Sonia Gandhi, As the trends pretense, we would not attain the foretold direct of 180, but the Legislature Organisation testament uprise as the solitary maximal organization and forge the governance,' he said.

Meantime, Person Discussion honcho Farooq Abdullah said that though the UPA faculty influence a alignment, but it would not be gradual for several parties to succeed the UPA bond.

'For whatever parties, it would not be so simple to commence the UPA connectedness. They score had robust hate with the Congress in their areas. It is not going to be simple to rub it off. But then fill are disagreeable to neaten a muscular UPA Polity that can occupation for the forthcoming five life and try to contact off the problems prevailing in this land,' he said.

Another Legislature organization somebody who emerged successful was Pawan Kumar Bansal, from Chandigarh. Rapturous after the success his supporters unfocussed sweets and were celebrating on the streets.

'The results are all execution supported. Everyone knows that this is a finish of the policies of the Legislature Receiver. Fill wanted the nation to progress and bang thus voted for the Congress Lot,' said Bansal.

With signs emerging that the Congress-led UPA would make writer numbers than originally sticking, there was healthy confidence among residents that the unification would influence a stalls authorities that would terminal its quint life in office.

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